
oh eleven!

2008 sucked! 2009 was scary. 2010 was hopeful. Now we are all looking forward to 2011 with optimism.
I can't remember a time in my own life where everything was thrown into the air all at once and seemed to just hang there, taunting me. Never really settling so I can gather the pieces, collect my thoughts and move on. So I've decided not to wait anymore! I've decided to jump up, grab all those pieces and put them together, discard what I don't need and keep the lessons I've learned from the past 3 years. I welcome 2011 with open arms. I'm going to treat 2011 as an opportunity to make some personal changes, play great music with my best friends, be creative, build a business I'm passionate about, contribute by creating jobs for talented people and to enjoy my life. What are you going to do this year? What resolutions are you prepared to commit to?

Have a great New Year's Eve! Be careful, stay healthy... and we'll see you next year!



Go Elf Yourself!

Hello all! The WICKED PEACH boys want to wish all of our friends, families and fans HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 2010 was a fun and yet trying year. A year of ups and downs like any other. But I think we are all looking forward to a GREAT YEAR in 2011. Our schedule is already jam packed with some great shows including 2 CAT ZOO, our little acoustic pet project. Check out our schedules at wickedpeach.com!

See you at the shows!